Línea divisoria
 This is composed of the replicas of all monuments built to delimitate the US-Mexico border in the XIX century. The mojoneras are geographical landmarks that were accounted by the Comisón internacional de Límites y Aguas, some of which remain standin
Línea divisoria
Línea divisoria

High-temperature ceramics and wood

 This is composed of the replicas of all monuments built to delimitate the US-Mexico border in the XIX century. The mojoneras are geographical landmarks that were accounted by the Comisón internacional de Límites y Aguas, some of which remain standin

This is composed of the replicas of all monuments built to delimitate the US-Mexico border in the XIX century. The mojoneras are geographical landmarks that were accounted by the Comisón internacional de Límites y Aguas, some of which remain standing today next to the dividing wall. The work was installed in the Museo Carrillo Gil to mimic the actual political border, causing the audience to negotiate with it.
